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Sacred Creations bringing you closer to yourself.

You are here because there is something here for you. 


I make pieces based on sacred geometry. Sacred geometry naturally helps center and focus your connection to yourself. Empowering you to embody fully and show up in the world as you wish to.


I do this in service to source.



I am based in the Ashdown Forest most well known for being where Winnie the Pooh lives, East Sussex United Kingdom.

Book your free 30-minute consultation now and I will let you know how I can help you.

Passion is a great force for unleashing creativity.”

Some examples of my work....

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The Flower of Life

The words below are for your information. My suggestion to you is to forget about the words. Look at the piece. See if you feel a pull towards it. Something in you wants to create a space with this piece. Then contact me about making one for you.

The Flower of Life is one of the foundational sacred geometry shapes. The Flower of Life starts with the Seed of Life shape: 7 overlapping circles that build outward, forming a flower-like pattern that has been used since ancient times in many cultures around the world. Said to be the basic template for everything in existence; all geometric forms can be found within it, including sacred geometry shapes like the Platonic Solids, Metatron’s Cube, and the Merkaba. The Flower of Life symbolizes creation and reminds us of the unity of everything: we’re all built from the same blueprint.

The Seed of Life

The words below are for your information. My suggestion to you is to forget about the words. Look at the seed of life. See if you feel a pull towards it. Something in you wants to create a space with this piece. Then contact me about making one for you.


As the name of the Seed of Life suggests, it is the basis for all creation, and the universe as we know it.

The basis of the Seed of Life is the circle, and in sacred geometry circles represent cycles, as well as encompassing things. In this case, the seven circles are often compared to the seven days of creation, with the different circles being ascribed to different points in the universe's making. The overlapping of the circles shows that these events did not happen independently of each other, either, but that each is intimately connected to the next, building atop what came before it.

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Some examples of my work....

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Geodesic Dome

I cut this ‘geodesic dome’ as a prototype sacred outdoor space for Tom of . The dome is a bespoke, complex design that came together perfectly despite the very tight time scales.


The dome was a big hit at the Wysing festival in Reading and soon to be sold.


If you have a project or a mind-boggling design, get in touch and I will help you work it out.


Sacred you.

Sacred creations is about offering pieces that I am drawn to and working with people individually to create the piece of their choosing. This isn't a shop as such, it is a place of connection to a purification space. You are welcome to ask for something that you desire. You may not know what it is. Together we can creatively discover and make something that will bring you joy.


Maybe you have a desire for something that keeps cropping up in your life. Maybe you had a dream with a symbol that you want to make manifest real.


Feel free to talk to me and together we can create your sacred piece for you.

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“Every project is a unique experience, full of lessons and memories.”
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Please get in touch to find out more about how I work.


If you have any questions or would like to book your free 30-minute consultation, please get in touch.

Sacred Creations, Hillsdown Farm, Twyford Lane, Haywards Heath, RH17 7DH, UK

07748 655 306

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